Ecological assessment and bat survey with Bat Low Impact License for 66 residential dwellings construction site

May 2021 |Deanfield Homes Ltd.|Oxfordshire

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Ethos were appointed to undertake an ecological assessment of the site which was subject to proposals for the construction of 66 residential dwellings. An existing dwelling was located in the footprint of the access to the site and the structures assessment for bats found scattered bat droppings in the loft void and the structure was assessed to have high potential for roosting bats. Subsequent emergence and re-entry surveys recorded two common pipistrelle and one brown long-eared bats emerging from the structure.

Our role

Ethos completed the ecological assessment, completing targeted surveys for bats, reptiles, and badgers and designing the mitigation strategy for the site and planning permission was granted in due course. Ethos were then commissioned to secure a European Protected Species Licence (EPSL) from Natural England to allow the demolition of the structure, a crucial aspect of the project’s viability as it was located in the only practicable access to the site.

Due to the low numbers of bats confirmed to be roosting in the structure, the roost was assessed to be of low conservation significance and therefore eligible for the Bat Low Impact Licence. With members of our team registered under low impact licence, Ethos were well placed to deliver this for the client and allowed the project to proceed in a timely manner and without the delays associated with the traditional licensing route.


  • Planning permission secured
    ∟ Ethos played a vital role in securing planning permission for the site.
  • Project proceeded with great flexibility and speed
    ∟ Greater flexibility than that of a full bat licence, and all works were overseen by a licensed bat worker.
  • Suitable and proportional mitigation strategy delivered