Need surveys for environmental sign off?

Let's work together! Get in touch with the team today to discuss your project.

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GIS Mapping

GIS is one of the key tools we use in analysing and presenting ecological data. We also use GIS linked apps to collect field data which integrates with the main office GIS system. This means field records and photos are accurate and spatially recorded, enabling us to provide up to date information about your project as it progresses.

  • UKHab maps
  • BNG existing and proposed habitat maps
  • Species presence and distribution maps
  • Habitat Management Plans and Maps
  • Designated site maps
  • Ecological constraints and opportunity maps

We also have an extensive GIS database showing different ecology layers such as protected sites, species records and important habitats. This means if you have a new site you are looking at we can overlay this onto our database to give you an early heads up about potential ecological issues and opportunities so you can start planning ahead.


Drone operation

The use of drones is a standard method for us to collect accurate data about your site. This includes identifying and mapping habitats and surveying buildings to identify potential bat roosting features. Our drone imagery links with our GIS system, so we can overlay habitat and species data we collect for your site.

  • Habitat surveys
  • Habitat classification and mapping
  • BNG and habitat monitoring
  • Roof surveys for bats
  • Tree canopy surveys

Members of our team hold personal survey licenses for a range of protected species including bats, great crested newts and dormouse. We have held project licenses for a significant number of bat projects covering a wide range of species such as greater and lesser horseshoe bats and our team includes a registered consultant on Natural England’s Bat Low Impact Class License (BLICL). We also have extensive experience of securing project licenses for badgers and great crested newts.


Thermal imaging

Ethos have been using thermal imaging as a tool for more accurate bat surveys for a number of years and well in advance of it becoming an obligatory method. We have invested in high quality professional FLIR thermal imaging cameras which provide incredibly accurate imagery to help identify bat use of buildings and sites. Key members of our team are trained to use the cameras as both a survey aid and survey method.

  • Professional high quality Flir cameras
  • Bat emergence surveys
  • Bat activity surveys
  • Badger surveys
  • Wintering bird surveys

Members of our team hold personal survey licenses for a range of protected species including bats, great crested newts and dormouse. We have held project licenses for a significant number of bat projects covering a wide range of species such as greater and lesser horseshoe bats and our team includes a registered consultant on Natural England’s Bat Low Impact Class License (BLICL). We also have extensive experience of securing project licenses for badgers and great crested newts.


Technical analysis

Ethos is continually looking at ways to use new technology within our work, and are always looking for products and partners to help achieve this.

  • GIS spatial analysis
  • Digital field recording
  • Habitat change monitoring
  • Species diversity and distribution models
  • Automated GIS maps

Members of our team hold personal survey licenses for a range of protected species including bats, great crested newts and dormouse. We have held project licenses for a significant number of bat projects covering a wide range of species such as greater and lesser horseshoe bats and our team includes a registered consultant on Natural England’s Bat Low Impact Class License (BLICL). We also have extensive experience of securing project licenses for badgers and great crested newts.